I have had this idea running around in my mind. As I am coming to the end of my time in Mexico, I no longer have any large sheets of paper and this was a problem for me. So here is my answer to that problem.
I wanted to have a pastel that was one picture and could be framed how the buyer wanted. I am showing the picture here , how I see it as four seperate sheets ,with the gaps to accentuate this fact. However, it could be framed with the sheets touching.
Pastel unframed 82x59cm. For sale, please contact artist.
This is progressing really well Barbara. The torso is becoming less flat and you can definitely sense the solid parts of the body. The colors in the background above the arm and shoulders appear darker than the rest of the lower background. This may just be the image on the blog. If they are darker, I would try and balance the intensity of the colors so it translates as one background.