Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Honor Beat.

My fascination with the Jingle Dance continues. I have always enjoyed the fan that the dancers carry during this dance, especially on the honor beat, the dancer raises the fan to the sky in time with the drums. Even as I was drawing this I could hear the drum beats in my mind. So in this picture I have chosen to focus on the fan and show the details of the beading.

For sale: 42cm x 50cm backed with a matt ready for framing. US $175

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dancing Feet...hear the sound

The legend of the Jingle Dress and the Jingle Dance vary slightly from tribe to tribe. They all, however, have the same basis for the story: The dress was given to the People in a vision from Great Spirit for the purpose of healing.

The most noticeable part of the dress is not the dress itself but the hundreds of cone shaped Copenhagen snuff lids that adorn the dress in various shapes and patterns. The only way to describe the way they sound when they chime together is rain on a tin roof.

The dance is performed with hand on the hip to signify pain; the dancers raise the fan on the honor beat. I wanted to take a less traditional view of this dance.

For sale 42cm x 50cm backed with a matt ready for framing. US $175 SOLD

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Shawl Dancer

Contrary to popular belief, this dance is not a traditional women’s style. It originated up North as a tourist and competition dance in the early 50’s and 60’s.For year’s women had struggled to find their place in the dance arena fighting conformity among other things. This was a revolutionary breakthrough for the younger women who longed for a more stylistic approach to traditional dance. Unlike the earlier styles of the 1900’s which were more calm and gentle, the Fancy Shawl Dance was a splash of color, fringe and butterfly wings, each step so quick and light that the young woman looks as though she is literally dancing on air.

The Northern Fancy Shawl Dance is said to imitate that of a butterfly, so the most important part of this dress is the individual's color scheme. The Northern lady does not wear knee boots but ankle moccasins and leggings that cover the legs. Next a yoke is worn around the neck. This can be beaded although it is not necessary (Appliqué or paint designs are appropriate). The main article in this clothing is the shawl. It should span the lady’s arms from fingertip to fingertip.

Because of the size of my painting I chose to just concentrate on the face. Though I looked at pictures for references. The designs are my choice, though many are traditional designs, the face is from my imagination.

I think I would like to do other details from this dance.

For sale 42cm x 50cm backed with a matt, ready for framing US $175

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Turn

Trying to get some art together for the gallery in Lethbridge, so tried for me something different. Comments?

For Sale 42cm x 50cm backed with matt but unframed. US$175

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Catch the Sun

I always admire my artist friends acrylic paintings and their ability to show light. So this was my focus with my Chinese Lantern Flowers. Can I show the depth of light?
I often painted these lantern in the fall in watercolor, but never seemed to get what I wanted. With pastels of course I can get very close and detailed. But the focus was to show the light, did I succeed?

For sale. 42 x 50 cm Backed with a matt but not framed. US$175 SOLD

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Schatzi is a cute dog with an engaging personality. I love the way she looked at me, so inquisitively as I took her photograph for her painting. I hope that I grasped that look in this painting.

If you like this painting I would be happy to paint your pet. For a quote please contact me, go to my profile and you will find a link to e mail me.
